
How to Setup CyberPanel on AWS EC2

If you want to setup CyberPanel on AWS EC2, read the article and follow the steps to do so. We will go from signing up on Amazon AWS to setting up an instance and installing CyberPanel

After reading this article you can easily set up an EC2 instance with Cantos 8 and install CyberPenel on it. Follow all the steps mentioned below.

Table Of Contents:

  1. AWS Access and Basics
  2. Create an EC2 instance on AWS
  3. EC2 Setup with Centos 8 minimal
  4. Ports Configuration (Firewall Configurations)
  5. Access Key Setup
  6. Access server using Bitvise
  7. Install CyberPanel

AWS Access and Basics:

To Set up an EC2 instance and install CyberPanel on AWS. First of all, you need an AWS account to do this. If you already have an AWS account. Log in using this link. And provide the required information.

image 35

If you do not have an account, go to this link. And provide the required information.

image 34

Amazon Web Services is a platform by Amazon that provides Web services globally.

Create an EC2 instance on AWS:

You can see this dashboard when you access the AWS console.

Setup CyberPanel on AWS EC2

Go to the Services option on the top menu.

image 37

Click on the Services and you can see this screen.

image 38

EC2 Setup with Centos 8 minimal

You can see the EC2 option on you screen click to start the process.

image 39

Once you click on the EC2 option now this screen appear.

From here you can create an EC2 instance with Centos 8 as OS. You have to click on the Launch Now option and proceed to the next steps.

image 40

1.1.  Choose AMI

Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Here you have to select the operating system image that will be used in this Instance.

image 41

On the screen above you have to go on the AWS Marketplace Option.

Here you have to search for Centos. (You can also go for any operating system you want to install but make sure it is supported by CyberPanel).

image 43

From the different versions of Centos, we go for the CentOS 8 Minimal (CentOS 8.2.2004).

Click on Select button to proceed with the instance set up.

image 44

After selecting the operating system you can see a Pricing Page. Click Continue to processed (this is just a description of how much you will be charged depending upon the instance size you choose on next screen)

image 45

1.2. Choose Instance Type:

In this step, you have to choose the instance size of your choice. And click for the next step. I choose a general that has a free trial.

image 47

1.3. Configure Instance

In this step leave the settings as default if you want to change anything go according to your requirement. If you don’t want to change anything then leave this as default and processed to next.

image 49

1.4. Add Storage

Add or change the storage according to your requirement. Processed to the next after changes.

image 50

1.5. Add Tags

Add any tags you want to add in this step. Like name, title etc.

image 51

Add the information like this:

image 52

After this processed to next.

1.6. Configure Security Group

This is the most important part of this process. You must have to add all CyberPanel ports before actually installing CyberPanel otherwise some features of CyberPanel may not work.

There is only one port in default configuration which looks like:

image 53

Add all the ports as seen in the picture below

image 54

Add IP as, ::/0

Ports that are needed to open for CyberPanel to work properly (In IP Address section you may want to replace with your IP for some services like SSH to better protect your server against attacks):

IDNameProtocolIP AddressPort

1.7. Review

In the last step of the EC2 setup review all the information you added before in the previous steps.

image 55

Access Key Setup:

Once set up is completed you have to create a key pair to access server otherwise you can not enter SSH to install CyberPanel. You can upload an existing key as well but we will create and download new key.

image 56

Download this Key Pair in your local computer, so that we can use it later to access this instance.

Use this key and Launch this instance.

image 57

You can see the Amazon EC2 will not set-up your instance in few seconds and it will be ready to use.

image 58

After completion of this process, you can check your instances through. Services-> EC2 -> Instances here you can see all information.

image 59

Access server using Bitvise:

Once all is done for the EC2 setup. Its time to access the server and install CyberPanel. You can access your server using different tools but for this article, we will use Bitvise. If you don’t have Bitvise installed on your computer download it from here.

After downloading provide your IP address for Host field, Username will be centos(Default username is centos). Port 22. Set the initial methods to a public key and client key to auto.

image 60

To grant the access to your key click on the Client key manager. and on the next screen click on the import option.

image 61

Select you key file and i will appear on the Client Key Manager.

image 62

After all, click on the login button to get server access.

Install CyberPanel:

Once terminal was launched.

Follow this guide to install CyberPanel.


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How CyberHosting Affiliate Program works

In CyberHosting Affiliate Program we have Multiple commissions models that make sure your hard work is rewarded at its best.

Table Of Contents:

  1. How to Register For Our Affiliate Program.
  2. Get details about Program
  3. Benefits Of Affiliate Program

How to Register For Our Affiliate Program:

If you have not yet signed up for our Affiliate Program and would like to sign up for the Cyber ​​Hosting Affiliate Program. Follow these steps:

Reach Affiliate Program Page:

The first step is to reach the Cyber Hosting official site. Click Here to do so.

image 28

After reaching the site. Go to the Affiliate option. Present in the Top menu.

image 29

This Affiliate link shows two options, How it works and Affiliate Area.

Register For Affiliate Program:

If you have not yet signed up for our Affiliate Program click on the Affiliate Area Option in the Affiliate Menu.

CyberHosting Affiliate Program

Go to the Affiliate Area Page. If you have not yet registered, you can view this form at the bottom of the Affiliate Area page

image 31

Provide All information that is required for registration. And click the Register Button. You will receive a Massage for approval pending state.

image 32

Get Affiliate URL:

Once Your Approval has been Approved from CyberHosting You Will get an email and you can get you Affiliate Program link by sign-in on the affiliate page.

image 33

Get details about Program:

If You want to get any details About CyberHosting Affiliate Program. Click Here.

If you want to know about our Product prices Click Here.

Benefits Of Affiliate Program:

  1. $25 signup bonus (when the referred client makes a purchase).
  2. 7% recurring lifetime commission from all referred customer invoices.

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How to setup WordPress Multi-Site on CyberPanel

A multi-site setup for WordPress enables the end-user to create multiple WordPress sites from the WordPress dashboard. Each site with-in a WordPress network acts as a separate WordPress installation and can be managed from a single dashboard.

This feature is provided by WordPress to ensure that its users can easily create a network of sites without digging too much into server-side problems.

In this article, we will describe how to setup WordPress multi-site network using CyberPanel and then issue Wildcard SSL for multi-site operations.

Table of Contents:

  1. Setup Catch all vHost
  2. Things to do before enabling Multi-Site on WordPress
  3. Configuring WordPress to allow Multi-Site
  4. Create/Install a Multi-site Network
  5. Configuration of Multi-site setup
  6. Create a new site on Network
  7. Setup wildcard SSL on multi-site

1. Setup catch All vHost:

The first thing to do before setting up multi-site is the setup of Catch all vHost. Catch all vHost is the must thing to do before enabling the multi-site configuration in WordPress. A multi-site setup is not possible without the setup of Catch all vHost.

The method for catch-all vHost is different for LiteSpeed Ent and OpenLitespeed.

Setup catch all vHost for LiteSpeed Ent:

Open your vHost file from the website manager and edit this line

wildcard SSL

Change this to

ServerAlias *

Setup Catch all vHost for OpenLiteSpeed:

The setup for OpenLightSpeed is very different from LightSpeed. Follow the steps to do this:

Open “/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf” via command line or using an SFTP software.

image 25

Once you open this file find the Listener Default portion for port 80 (HTTP). It look like:

listener Default{
address *:80
secure 0

Now if you want to set up catch-all vHost for, change the map line to following:

listener Default {
map, *
address *:80
secure 0

After this portion similarly you have to edit the listener SSL by default it looks like:

listener SSL {
address *:443
secure 1
keyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
certFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
enableStapling 1
ocspRespMaxAge 86400

Edit this file add * on the last of this portion:

listener SSL {
address *:443
secure 1
keyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
certFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
enableSpdy 15
enableStapling 1
ocspRespMaxAge 86400

vHost Configuration for OpenLiteSpeed:

After editing httpd_config.conf file (/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf) you need to open vHost option from Website Manager and edit vHost.

Default vhAliases

vhAliases www.$VH_NAME
image 26

Edit vhAliases to:

vhAliases *.$VH_NAME
image 27

2. Things to do before enabling Multi-site on WordPress

There are a few things you need to do before enabling and using Multi-Site on WordPress. Here are some key points:

Backup your full single website:

Always make a backup of your whole site (files and databases) before creating a network. this is an important step so you don’t lose your data and files.

Pretty Permalinks

Check and verify the pretty permalinks work on your single WordPress site.


image 11

Deactivate Plugins

Deactivate all WordPress plugin before the creation of the network. And activate again after creation.

Go to Plugins->Active and then click on the deactivate button present below every plugin name as shown below in the picture.

image 12

3. Configure Allow multi-site setup

To allow the multi-site setup or network setup you have to check your wp-config.php file on your file manager of the website and add this code to that file.

define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );

wp-config.php file is present in public_html folder of site.

image 13

4. Create/Install a multi-site Network

After enabling multi-site mode from wp-config.php file now you can see a new option under the tools tab in wp-admin.

Before enabling multi-site network from wp-config.php file.

image 14

After enabling the mode.

Multisite On WordPress

Now go to this new option Network setup in the tool menu. You can see this screen.

image 16

In this screen the first note is for the pretty permalink.

You can select the option. Your sites will be subdomains or subdirectories in the network.

Sub Domian:

subdomain is a domain that is part of a larger domain. A domain-based network in which on-demand sites use subdomains. Like if our domain is “” then “” or “” are your subdomains.

Sub Directories:

Note: This does not require setting up catch-all vhost.

A path-based network in which on-demand sites use paths. Like “” or “” are subdirectories.

Use can set network titles according to your choice also provide the network admin email. and after that click on the install, button to process.

5. Configuration of Multi-site setup

Once the network installation is complete. Setup shows a screen which has code for the configuration of wp-config.php and .htaccess files. Copy these lines of code and paste into wp-config.php and .htaccess files accordingly.

image 17

Copy the lines of code and add these to the wp-config.php and replace the second lines of code and replace all these with .htaccess file present in the public_html folder.

After editing these files must log in again to the wp-admin. So you can see the changes on the dashboard. You can see these two new options on your dashboard.

image 18

6. Create new sites on Network

To create new sites Go to the My sites->Network admin->Dashboard option from the top bar of wp-admin.

image 19

When you visit this option you can see a different type of dashboard on your screen.

image 21

To create a new site visit Sites->add new option.

image 20

After clicking the add new button. A screen appears that requires information about your subdomain or subdirectory. As I selected subdirectory its look like:

image 22

In the case of sub domain it look little different.

Once you click the add site button you can see the Dashboard and edit site button on the top of the page.

image 23

You can access the site Dashboard or edit newly create site from here.

7. Setup wildcard SSL on multisite.

For a multi-site setup, we can use the wildcard SSL. Once you create a wild card SSL you have no need to create SSL for every sub domain as WildCard SSL will cover all subdomains.

Create wildcard SSL

Create a wild card SSL for your network using this command on the server terminal.

/root/ --issue -d <> -d '*.<>' --dns dns_cf --cert-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/cert.pem --key-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/privkey.pem --fullchain-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/fullchain.pem

CloudFlare File configuration

After creating that wildcard ssl its time to edit information in file present in “/root/” directory.

Replace the CF_Key and CF_Email by your key and email. Also, remove # Singh to active them.

CF_Email="[email protected]"

You can also Use CF_token for this process.

Fellow this guide to check CF_Key or generate CF_token.


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How to change TimeZone On Linux server

The Time zone shows the standard time for a specific area or geographic region. How to change timezone on linux server is always a big question? The time zone is set when we install any operating system on our device or on our server. Timezone settings are one of the most important things to cover during installation because it impacts our system functionalities. There are many ways to change timezone on Linux server but the most used and easy way is to set using the command line.

In this article, we will discuss how to set or change timezone on a Linux server using the command line.

Table of Contents:

  1. How to Check the Current Time Zone
  2. Set/Change Timezone on Linux server Using Command line
  3. Confirm time zone change
  4. Importance of Time zone
  5. Things to remember

1. How to check Current Time Zone:

Before changing the time zone it is important to check the current time zone of your system. Linux system makes it easy to check the current time zone of your system by using the command “timedatectl“. It is available on all modern systemd-based Linux system.

To view the time zone follow the steps:

Open your Linux terminal and run timedatectl command on it

$ timedatectl
image 1

The output of the command shows the current timezone of the system. Now you can go for changes if you want to change the current time zone of your system.

Note: this step is not must for changing time zone you can do it after change this is just a good way. So if you have already your required time zone then there is no need to change.

2. Set/Change Timezone on Linux Server Using Command line

Once you check your current time zone and want to change. First you will need to find the specific name of the time zone you want to use. the specific name is like “Region/city“.

To List, the available time zone use timedatectl list-timezone command

$ timedatectl list-timezones
image 2

Now check the required time zone in the list and run the next command which is “sudo timedatectl set-timezone “you time zone” ” the last argument is the your specific time zone you want to set for your system.

sudo ” is used to run administrator rights or root user.

$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone <your specific time zone>

image 3

After running this command confirm time zone by running:

$ timedatectl
Change Timezone on Linux server

You can see the required time zone here after changing.

3. Importance of time zone

The time zone is very important for your system as many functionalities depends upon the time zone.

Every geographic part has its own specific time zone. Many things depend upon that like:

  • Access for system may be Bound to specific Time zone or Region.
  • If some record need to store in system it need that specific time zone.
  • In case of online server its important to set specific time zone its import from security point of view.

4. Things to remember

In the case of Linux server and database of site attached with that server. There are some issues which we suggest you to remember and check.

After changing time zone of your system you need to check your database if it is storing time and date.

If your database is storing old or wrong time and date. Then reboot your system it will fix your issue.

Reboot restart all services of your system and new time zone is ready to store in database.


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How to transfer a website from cPanel to CyberPanel manually

cPanel is one of the most papular web hosting control panel, which helps to manage websites. CyberPanel is an emerging web hosting control panel also use to manage websites. In this article, we will discuss how you can transfer a website from cPanel to CyberPanel manually. This is very important to know if you want to move your site from cPanel to CyberPanel.

CyberPanel also has a one-click importer. Use our guide if for some reason one-click importer fails to import your site (which happens rarely in case your database is very large)

Table of Contents

  1. Download Files from cPanel
  2. Export Database from cPanel
  3. Create a website in CyberPanel
  4. Upload Files on CyberPanel
  5. Create a Database in CyberPanel
  6. Change DNS
  7. Alternative Transfer Method

Transfer a website from cPanel to CyberPanel

1. Download Files from cPanel:

Here are some steps to download files from cPanel:

1.1 Login to cPanel:

The first step in moving/tranfering a site from cPanel to CyberPanel is to log in to your cPanel account using your credentials. Login to cPanel is required for next steps.

Go to your site cPanel address

cPanel LogIn

1.2 Compress Files in cPanel:

After logging in, go to the cPanel File Manager option in the cPanel dashboard.

File Manager cPanel

Open the file manager, then select the public_html folder and open it.

Public html floder

Select and compress all the files present in Public_html folder.

compressed files in public html

1.3 Download the compressed file

A compressed file is present in the public_html once compression is completed. Select this file, and download it on your local computer. If the file is large and you have a slow internet connection we’ve mentioned a few ways in step 7 as to how you can easily transfer this file without locally downloading the file.

download compressed file

2. Export Database from cPanel:

A database is the most important part of any site. Each site relies on its own database for internal links, responses, and other features.

To import Database from cPanel follow these steps:

Log in to the system using the credentials described in the last step.

2.1 Open PHPMYAdmin:

Check PHPMyadmin Option in the cPanel Dashboard and open it.

PhpAdmin on cPanel

Once you click on the PHPMyAdmin option. A dashboard will open from where you can select and export your database.

phpmyadmin dashboard

2.2 Export Data Base:

Once you are in the PHPMyAdmin Dashboard, select the database related to your website and click on the Export option.

exporting database

Note: Select the file type zip or MySQL when you want to export.

The exported database will save a compressed database file to your local computer.

3. Create a Website on CyberPanel:

Here are the steps to create a website on CyberPanel:

3.1 Login to CyberPanel:

Like cPanel, you must first access your CyberPanel using your credentials to log in. To do this, look at the URL of your CyberPanel. It displays a screen for logging in. Provide the required username and password and access the dashboard.

Cyber Panel Login

3.2 Create a Website:

After logging in, click on the Website -> Create option on the left menu or on the dashboard of CyberPanel. Then provide the information to create the site. Provide the exact URL of the site when you are creating the site.

Create website in cyberpanel

4. Upload content on CyberPanel

Once you have completed the website creation process. Now it’s time to upload the content that is exported from the cPanel. Basically the compressed file you got from the File manager -> Public_html in cPanel.

4.1 Mange Website:

Go to the Website -> List Websites. Here you can see a website that you have already created. On the right side of this website, you can see a manage button. Click on it to open the Website Management Dashboard.

Manage Websites

4.2 Upload and Extract Content:

Once you get the website Management Dashboard.

Check the file manager option on the website manager dashboard.

file manager

Open the file manager and here you will find the public HTML folder. Open this folder.

public html

Upload that compressed file download from cPanel to your computer.

Upload record

Once the file is uploaded, extract the file to retrieve content from it.

extract file

5. Create a Database in CyberPanel:

After uploading content. It is important to create a database that solves content issues.

5.1 Create Your data base:

Click The Database button on Dashboard or in the left Menu:

image 4

In next Step Click On create database option:

image 5

Select the domain you added in last Step.

image 6

Provide the required information and click on Create Database button.

image 7

5.2 Login to PHPMyadmin:

Get access to PHPmyadmin goto Databases -> phpMyadmin in CyberPanel Dashboard.

image 8

Provide the credentials that are required to access.

login phpmyadmin

5.3 Import DataBase to CyberPanel:

After creating the database. Go to Import Option, then select the file that is exported database file from cPanel. Click the Go button at the bottom right of the page.

Transfer a website from cPanel to CyberPanel

6. Change DNS

If you are using the cPanel DNS then follow this tutorial link below

If you are using any other DNS provider, then go to the DNS provider platform and change the IP of cPanel with the IP address of CyberPanel. In the DNS section, there is a record section replace old IP with new IP. Replace the both with @ and without.

 7. Alternative Transfer Method

In the case of large data on cPanel, you can use an alternative method of migrating websites from cPanel to CyberPanel.

7.1 Transfer Using wget:

  1. Compressed the data present in the Public HTML folder of cPanel.
  2. Get the address of that compressed data on cPanel.
  3. And Download or get the data on the CyberPanel server by using wget Command.
 $ wget <cpanle-file-address>

7.2 Transfer Using rsync:

By using rsync command you can copy and synchronize your data remotely and locally. You can copy or synchronize data from server to server.

  1.  Install rsync on your Linux server by using following commands
$ yum install rsync (On Red Hat based systems) like: Centos 
$ apt-get install rsync (On Debian based systems) like: Ubuntu

7.3 Basic Syntax

$ rsync options source destination

7.4 Copy/Sync Files and Directory to or From a Server

$ rsync [-options] [email protected]:SOURCE DESTINATION

Note: Use these alternative if you have large amount of data to transfer.


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How to optimize WordPress site using LSCache Plugin

Learn from Niel Patel as to why slow speed is a killer for your online business and let see how you can easily speed up your website.

WordPress is a free Content Management System (CMS) used by more than 60 million websites, WordPress is one of the most popular CMS solutions. Considering the popularity of this CMS, optimizing WordPress sites to load quickly is very important and sometimes it is difficult. PageSpeed of any website is one of the major factors for both usability and SEO. In this article, we will discuss how you can improve the loading speed of your WordPress site using LSCache Plugin.

Table of Contents

  1. What is PageSpeed or Page Optimization?
  2. Factors that affect the PageSpeed of a WordPress site.
  3. How to improve PageSpeed.
  4. How to check PageSpeed.
  5. Benefits of PageSpeed.

1. What is PageSpeed or Page Optimization?

Basically PageSpeed means that how quickly a web page load when a visitor clicks on the link or types in the URL. Usually, a visitor expects that their pages load quickly and this imparts a good first impression on them. PageSpeed not only creates a good impression but also improve search ranking as it affects the SEO

2. Factors that affect the PageSpeed of a WordPress site:

  1. Un-optimized media (Large-sized images and videos)
  2. Un-used CSS and JS
  3. Un-Minified CSS and JS
  4. Excessive Use of Plugins and Widgets (In-active and unnecessary plugins)
  5. WordPress Theme (Theme Choice is important)
  6. Poor Choice of Hosting Service.

3. How to improve PageSpeed:

Follow the steps mentioned below to improve overall speed of your WordPress site.

3.1 Optimize or Reduce media size:

Use of Images and videos make the content more beautiful and attractive but a common mistake is to upload pictures and video directly without any optimization. Always optimize media like videos and images before uploading it on site for use. Use the latest jpg/jpeg version only, PNGs should only be used when transparency is needed. Lower images result in smaller page sizes hence a boost to Pagespeed.

For the images that have been uploaded already, you can also use WordPress plugins for image optimization.

Most Common Image Optimization Plugins:

  1. LiteSpeed Cache
  2. Imagify
  3. Optimole
  4. ShortPixel Image Optimizer

There are many image optimization plugins on WordPress plugins directory, let see how we can use LiteSpeed Cache plugin to optimize images:

  1. Click on LiteSpeed Cache -> Image Optimization. 
  2. Click on Send for Optimization button until all the images are optimized
  3. Once optimization is completed click on Gather image Data.
  4. Check the Image information section on the right side, it shows the optimization status. Green ticks suggest complete optimization.
Image Optimization
  1. Go on the Image Optimization Settings Option on screen.
  2. Check all the options as shown in the picture.
Image Optimization

3.2 Minify HTML, CSS and JS Files:

Minification of HTML, CSS, and JS files are some of the most common and important steps to increase page speed.  Google PageSpeed Insights and/or any other page speed tool always recommends this.

This issue happens due to the white spaces and extra CSS and JS  on the website page.

You can fix these issues manually or use a WordPress plugin to do so. Some plugins are listed below.

  1. LiteSpeed Cache
  2. Autoptimize
  3. JCH Optimize

Minify CSS and JS using LiteSpeed Cache:

  1. Click on LiteSpeed Cache -> Page Optimization -> JS Settings
  2. Change your settings according to the image below
  3. Follow this guide in case this setting breaks any functionality or visual structure of your site
Js Optimization
  1. Click on LiteSpeed Cache -> Page Optimization -> CSS Settings
  2. Change your settings according to the image below
  3. Follow this guide in case this setting breaks any functionality or visual structure of your site
CSS Setings

3.3 Excessive Use of Plugins and Widgets:

Excessive use of Plugins and Widgets can also slow down your PageSpeed. Always take care of extra and unnecessary Plugins and Widgets. Uninstall all in-active and unused plugins from sites. Never add any unused widgets.

Delete extra/inactive Plugins

  1. Click on Plugins->Installed plugins -> InActive
  2. Click on the Delete option right below the plugin name
Uninstall Plugin

3.4 Theme Choice:

The choice of theme to run the site is very important. Always choose a lite-weight theme for your site. Unlicensed/nulled themes slow down PageSpeed of your site so always use a licensed theme for the site.

3.5 Choice of Hosting service:

Hosting service is one of the main reasons behind the low PageSpeed. To run a  site on a shared server may be good from a financial point of view but it usually fails to deliver good loading times on peak traffic hours. So always use a good web hosting provider for your site to achieve a better PageSpeed, SEO, and traffic.

4. How to Check PageSpeed:

There are many ways to check the page speed of any site. A lot of sites are there to check the Page Speed of any site. Google also offers a tool called Google PageSpeed Insights for this.

Some sites that can help you to check various factors affecting your PageSpeed:

How to optimize WordPress site using LSCache Plugin

5. Benefits of high PageSpeed:

  1. PageSpeed improves search engine rankings
  2. It is important for SEO
  3. It ensures a good first impression on the visitor
  4. Also, help to decrease the Bounce Rate so visitors love to navigate between pages


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How to set custom/extra headers for OpenLiteSpeed while using CyberPanel

Custom/Extra Header can be used for many proposes like:

  1. Content Security policy
  2. Referrer policy
  3. HSTS (Strict-Transport-Security)
  4. Content-type options

If you are using the LiteSpeed Enterprise server you can add Extra headers to your htaccess file and the server will add it automatically just like you used to do with Apache as it is fully Apache Compatible.

However, if you are using OpenLiteSpeed it has to be done via OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin or by adding it to vHost configuration for the website via CyberPanel.

Table of Contents

  1. Log in to CyberPanel
  2. Open the website Manager
  3. vHost Configuration
  4. Verify Headers.

Here are the steps to add a custom or extra header via vHost configuration from CyberPanel.

1. Log in to your CyberPanel Server

Visit https://<IP Address->:8090

Enter credentials to log in.

2. Open the website manager:

     2.1 Click on the website and then click on the list websites.

Click on website and then click on list websites

      2.2 Click on the manage button in front of your desired website.

Click on mange button in front of your desired website.

3. vHost Configuration :


      3.1 Click the vHost conf from the website manager.

Click the vHost conf from the configurations portion in website manager.

      3.2 Find the block name “context” if it is found add extraHeaders value in it like “extraHeaders Access-Control-Allow-Origin *”.

      3.3 If “context ” block not found in vhost conf file Add the following before the rewrite { } portion.

context / {

extraHeaders Access-Control-Allow-Origin *



You can add the value of extraHeaders according to your requirement. 

4. How to verify extraHeaders configuration:

To verify extraHeaders configuration follow the steps:

    4.1 Open Network tab:

        1. Vist your website in any browser and open developer tools.

        2. In developer tools click on Networks tab

Open network tab

         3. Click on the file with your domain name. like(

Screenshot 9

         4. Go to Network Tab and check headers for any request. You should the extra header you added in vHost conf.

Verify vhost configuration

How to set HSTS (Strict-Transport-Security) in custom the header:

HSTS is a web security policy mechanism that helps to protect websites against man-in-the-middle attacks such as protocol downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking.

To set HSTS in custom Header follow the steps:

             => Follow the 1,2 and 3 steps stated above to open the vHost conf file.

             => Add the following before the rewrite { } portion.

context / {

extraHeaders Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload;


 1. The age parameter tells the browser how long this rule must be cached.
 2. The includeSubDomains should only be added if you want to apply HSTS to subdomains too.
 3. The preload parameter is used for inclusion in Google Chrome’s preload list.


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